New Class Started August 24, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Learning About Yourself
I hope you all are enjoying the class so far. We have spent the first month focusing on you......your interests, values, assets, personality, etc. Do you like to work with Data, People, Things or a bit of each. Do you find that your personality leans toward Artistic, Reaslistic, Investigative, Enterprising, Conventional or Social endeavors?

The big questions is, "What have you learned about yourself that you did not know or acknowledge or accept before?"

I have mailed your Strong Interest Inventories away.I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday, 9/23/09. No homework due for 9/23/09 - just finish Chapter 2.

Posted by Mary Ciddio at 3:03 PM


Monday and Wednesday, 9:30 to 10:50 a.m. Class Code 42465
3 units Acceptable for Transfer CSU/UC Location: Merritt College, R-28
Instructor: Mary Ciddio, M.A. August 24 to December 9, 2009
e-mail: Phone: (510) 434-3948 (pacific time)
(I am on campus on Mondays and Wednesdays only. You can always email me at any time)
Course Description: This is a course about you! It is about your skills, potential, goals, aspirations and hopes. It is designed to assist you in getting to know yourself as others see you and about how to present yourself so that your skills and abilities take center stage. We will use various instruments to assess your skills and interests so you can make informed decisions about how and where you fit in the world of work. We will look at various ways to explore occupations including using the internet, personal networks, family, friends, informational interviews, and published materials. We will look at different ways to approach career choice and talk about how people end up doing the work they do.

We will talk about how to “market” ourselves and develop our marketing materials which can be cover letters, resumes, references, phone presentation and personal interview presentation. Time management and stress management will also be discussed.

Since this is a course about you, your comments, input and class attendance will be very important in determining your grade. You will have weekly assignments to complete that will be more interactive than theoretical.

This is an interactive course. We will be exploring many facets of you in the hope that it will help you to make more informed decisions about your career and your life. You will complete assessment instruments and use the Internet to explore careers and labor market information. You will create a cover letter and resumes; discuss informational interviewing, goal setting, time management and more. We will also cover various topics including, but not limited to handling stress, money management, and work readiness skills. We will have guest speakers from various industries come to share their experiences with you.

About the Instructor: Mary Ciddio has worked as a career and vocational counselor in various settings and has helped thousands of individuals identify career goals, learn how to approach employers and become comfortable with focusing on one’s assets and skills. She believes that a sense of humor is essential to the learning process. Mary also has a private vocational counseling practice and works as a vocational expert for Social Security and testifies in Superior Court regarding issues of employment discrimination, personal injury, marriage dissolution and wrongful termination. She is knowledgeable in California Workers’ Compensation to include Rehabilitation, Return to Work and Vouchers. She grew up in Philadelphia, attended Graduate School in Boston and now lives in California with her husband, two kids, three dogs, 2 bunnies and a fish.

You will conduct a self-analysis of values, interests and personality type and apply this analysis to career choices including selection of a college major
You will learn how to conduct research and report on potential careers of interest and learn how your choices affect your life.
You will be able to explain and apply the components of a career action plan.

ATTENDANCE: 5 Points per class as long as you are no more than 10 minutes late and leave not more than 10 minutes early. Your attendance is very important. You are expected to attend SCHEDULED class and participate. Good attendance will have a positive impact on your grade.

Make friends with your computer or with one in the computer lab.
If you have not taken a computer course, please consider adding one such as Lrnre 211.
Your assignments will not receive full grade if not typed

BOOKS: 1 book and 1 interest inventory:
1. The textbook we will be using is Coming Alive From Nine to Five in a 24/7 World by Michelozzi, Surrell and Cobez (Seventh Edition). The cost is approximately $52 dollars.

2. You will also need to purchase the Strong Interest Inventory from the bookstore. It costs approximately $10.

GRADES: To be assigned on a point basis as follows:

A 1300 + POINTS
B 1100 - 1299 POINTS
C 900 – 1099 POINTS
D 700 - 899 POINTS


You can visit my website at: to learn more about my company and what we do

To find out more, you can Google “Mary Ciddio”

You can also visit my Podcast at:

You may also visit my Blog at:

Feel free to make comments.


The required assignments for this class and the maximum point value for each assignment are as follows:
Class 3: Describe one of your accomplishments: One page, preferably typewritten, about something you did 8/31/09 that you feel you did well. This can be something you did in school, at home, in your community or at work. Come to class prepared to talk about this accomplishment. 50 points typed

Class 4: Skill Inventory: Speak to 5 individuals who know you well and ask them to tell you what skills and 9/2//09 assets you possess. This can include hobbies, work skills, personal skills, technical skills, organizational skills. Have your contacts be specific. You are to write them down on the assignment sheet given to you and bring them to class. You will be given a format to use. 50 points - written by hand, legibly.

Class 6: Family work history – interview 2 family members about the work they have done and how they went 9/14/09 about preparing for and finding the job. Complete the interview form that I will give you as you interview the person. 50 points. – neatly handwritten

Class 7: Strong Interest Inventory - YOU NEED TO BUY THIS AT THE BOOKSTORE.
9/16/09 50 points.

Class 9: Research Job Information on the web. 50 points. – Cut and paste or print out from the site.
9/23/09 O*NET definition for Medical Assistant and print out the Occupational Outlook Handbook’s information on Medical Assistant. GOOGLE: O*NET; GOOGLE: OOH

Class 10: Research job information on the web. What can I do with a major in Geography? 50 Points
9/28/09 or

Class 14: Research Job Information on the web. GOOGLE: EDD: What are entry level wages for 2
10/12/09 occupations. You can look at my video: Search: Mary Ciddio 50 points

Class 16 Complete Job Application – 50 Points NEATLY PRINTED

Class 17 Write out a Telephone Script: Use two occupations you would like to target and write out how
10/21/09 you would get beyond the receptionist to speak to the person who does the hiring. 50 points.

CLASS 21 Write a resume. Use examples in the book as your guide. MUST BE TYPED. 100 points

Class 22 Cover Letter. Use examples in the book as your guide.
11/9/09 50 points – MUST BE TYPED.

11/11/09 No Class – Veterans’ Day Observed

Class 24 Informational Interview: Identify an employer and arrange an informational interview to find out more 11/18/09 about the work they do. Prepare notes on the interview for a brief presentation in class (5-10 minutes) 300 points

Final Exam Mock Interview - MANDATORY
12/9/09 600 points. – You MUST attend the final exam + COMPLETE SUFFICIENT ASSIGNMENTS to earn enough points to pass this course.


Quizzes – There may be quizzes on the materials from the textbook, as well as from class discussions 100 points each
**While you have the option to turn in assignments late, they will be marked down 10 percent for each class day that they are late. After one week, assignments will not be accepted. **

ALL take home writing assignments must be typed, double-spaced, using a 12 point font such as Times New Roman.

1) Only one person can speak at a time. Your turn will come. Refrain from side conversations as they are distracting and disrespectful of the speaker.
2) Regardless of who is speaking (instructor, your colleagues, and guests), please show respect – be attentive, and stay awake.
3) NO cell phones, I-pods, I Phones, or Headphones allowed during class time. Please turn them off before class.
4) No Eating in class.
5) No question is too dumb to ask. Ask questions and contribute to the class.
6) Make your contributions relevant.
7) CONFIDENTIALITY: Please respect your fellow students by keeping the discussions of personal issues that arise in the classroom confidential.
8) ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY: Please be respectful of the class and be prompt. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late or leave more than 15 minutes early you will not get credit for class attendance.



Disciplinary action may be imposed on a student for violation of college rules and regulations. Student misconduct that may result in disciplinary action includes dishonesty: i.e. cheating, and plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as: “the intentional submission for evaluation to a college instructor or administrator of material based, in significant part, on work done by someone other than the submitter without reasonable written indication to the evaluator of the materials true source.” Academic cheating is defined as “the intentional submission for evaluation to a college instructor or administrator of material based, in part, on a source or sources forbidden by generally accepted standards or by regulation established by the evaluator and disclosed in a reasonable manner.” The complete policy, penalties, and resource through the Grievance Procedure can be found in the Merritt College Catalog.

Homework for class I – due by class 2:
Start reading Chapter 1 in your book

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Learning About Yourself

I hope you all are enjoying the class so far. We have spent the first month focusing on you......your interests, values, assets, personality, etc. Do you like to work with Data, People, Things or a bit of each. Do you find that your personality leans toward Artistic, Reaslistic, Investigative, Enterprising, Conventional or Social endeavors?

The big questions is, "What have you learned about yourself that you did not know or acknowledge or accept before?"

I have mailed your Strong Interest Inventories away.

I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday, 9/23/09.